Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Very sad news

We've tried to contact everyone, and I'm sorry if you are finding out this news here.

Unfortunately it looks like the difficulty with monitoring both babies last week was due to the fact that sometime after my ultrasound on January 21st, one our of girls passed away. We have chosen to name her Bridget Evangeline Leitao.

It's been pretty rough but we're hanging in there. I started having contractions shortly after learning we had lost Bridget and have been put on medication to stop those. I am now on 24 hour monitoring and our surviving twin has been doing well.

I was given a round of steroid shots over the last 24 hours, which will help boost the baby's lung maturity and lower some other risks of prematurity in case she has to be delivered in the next two weeks. We're hoping I can stick it out for as long as possible. The problem with the 24 hour monitoring is that I am basically on bed rest in order to keep the baby on the monitor. I'm allowed up for showers and bathrrom breaks, and have started taking a couple of 5 minute walks around the maternity ward every day. It's hard on me, especially since we are still reeling emotionally from our loss, but I'm staying focused on the health of our surviving baby.

Our main concerns at this point are premature labor, cord entanglement -the original issue we were worried about and the most likely reason we lost Bridget- and possible brain injury as a result of the babies' shared vascular systems. We're planning on having an MRI in a couple of weeks that we hope will show that our surviving baby was able to escape any serious brain injury.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.


mom2nji said...

I am so very sorry. Praying for you.

Unknown said...

You don't know me but I came across your blog. My name is Erica Jaggears and I want to first start off by saying that I am truly sorry for your loss, and I will be praying for you. I understand wxactly where you are, as I just lst my triplets this past November. It was a LONG road for me. I deleivered them too early. If you are in the hospital on bedreset and would like to read my story you can visit my blog

I was able to come out of my situation a stronger person becasue of my faith and all the support I had from complete strangers, like myself. I am hoping to be able to provide you with some encouragment. If you need anyone to talk to email me and I will help in anyway that I can.

Praying for your little girl...

wendi said...

i am so sorry this is are at a great hospital with wonderful doctors though.i check on you often,hoping that its all a mistake.losing a child is by far the hardest thing you can go through but it makes you more aware of the smallest things.praying your baby girl stays put for a couple of weeks at least and has no complications on her arrival,i think she will be fine,she already has her own personal angel.bridget will watch over her..payers and hugs.Wendi

Anonymous said...

I am Erica Jaggears mom, and am praying for your baby girl to be born healthy and for your baby girl who is now your angel. If you read Erica's blog you will see how this scripture helped us during and after her hospital stay.
"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jer 29.11