Monday, February 16, 2009


Hi everyone.

Things are still going pretty well. The baby seems to be doing fine.

I had an ultrasound last week and her estimated weight was 2.33 pounds! So she is growing well. The only point of concern on the ultrasound is that the level of amniotic fluid is on the very low end of normal. It does not seem to be affecting her yet, so we are just observing.

I had another ultrasound this morning and the amniotic fluid looked about the same. Today was the first time we saw her making practice breathing movements, so that was exciting and a sign that she is continuing to mature and develop properly.

This weekend my doctors changed my monitoring to one NST (non-stress test) a day. Which basically means that the baby is only being monitored for 20-30 minutes a day. I also have the option to put the monitor on at any time if I am concerned about anything.

I have asked them to consider letting me go home and be monitored as an outpatient if they think it would be safe. I don't want to sacrifice any necessary care, but if there is a way I can be monitored by going to the hospital at home once a day and coming up to Louisville once or twice a week, that would be much much better for me. Apparently my group of doctors are meeting in the morning, and this will be up for discussion.

I'll keep you updated, thanks for checking in!