Monday, March 2, 2009

Big Baby!

We had another ultrasound today. They did a growth scan and a BPP, and decided to take a look at her brain to make sure everything is still looking good.

She is growing really well, and for the first time is above average for her gestational age :) Her estimated weight is 3 lbs 7 oz, which puts her in the 56th percentile. She is really curled up in there, she is still head down, with her little butt sticking into my right side and her feet up near my ribs on my left.

She also is practice breathing like a champion, moving well, and her fluid level looks like it is lightly up again - so she scored an 8/8 on her BPP. Her brain still looks normal, which is great.

We also are starting to - sort of, kind of - come up with a plan to bring this adventure to a conclusion. My doctor mentioned last week that he thought it would be reasonable to do an amniocentesis between 34 and 36 weeks to check for maturity, but that the group would have to discuss it. One of my other doctors this morning mentioned possibly around the 34 week mark. This is pretty exciting as I am already at 30 weeks! So maybe just 4 more weeks to go! Tomorrow I will have been here for 6 weeks, so if we have 4 or 5 more to go that seems manageable - although still a long time.

Although 34 weeks sounds early, we still have a lot of unknown risks going on, and after that point, if the amnio shows that her lungs are mature, any risks due to prematurity are minor and not long-lasting. And if she keeps growing well she should be small, but not too tiny, probably in the 5 pound range.

Thanks for checking in!